School Organizational Team » SOT Overview

SOT Overview

School Organizational Team (S.O.T.)

Now that the CCSD Reorganization is law, Cortez Elementary School has a School Organizational Team (SOT) composed of education support professionals, teachers, parents, and community members that will lead our school. The purpose of the SOT is to:

  1. Provide input on the School Performance Plan (SPP) and the budget,

  2. Provide continued advice to the principal in carrying out the SPP, and

  3. Assist with the selection of the next principal when there is a vacancy. 

The SOT meetings will be held monthly, typically on Wednesdays, at 2:30 pm in the library. 

Meeting agendas will be posted at least three days in advance in accordance with Open Meeting Laws. All meetings will include a time for public comment, and we encourage all parents to attend. 

S.O.T. Parent Nomination Form

Click here to view and complete the Nomination Form